Lorenzo Battilocchi's Website (XeroHero)

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For my resume in PDF format, click here!

I am a University College Dublin Graduate of 2020, passionate about Testing, Software development and Electronics. I enjoy walking and photography is one of my main hobbies, as well as 3D Printing and IoT technologies and networking.

Current project: Rep-rap MK3 3D Printer with Marlin Firmware. Check it out in the Personal Projects section below!

Current Dev Project: Netflix Clone in JavaScript using ReactJS. Live demo here



DevOps Certification - LinkedIn Learning



Thanks to my extensive industry experience, which ranges from System Administrator to Android Development, I am able to take on complex projects and deliver results accurately, even under tight deadlines and in high-pressure settings. Please find below my full resumé

September 2023-Present: Systems Engineer I at Amazon Devices - Alexa Division, DUB12 Dublin Corporate Office, Dublin, Ireland

    Thanks to my strong skills and passion for the technology behind Alexa, I was able to achieve a promotion from Quality Assurance Engineer to System Administration Engineer in the Dublin Alexa Testing Lab. Current responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring devices are available to support internal stakeholder testing to occur
  • Expand lab infrastructure and performance to match needs of stakeholders and customers of our lab
  • Ensuring the WLAN Network inside our testing lab is stable and does not cause, nor is subjected to, interference that could impact testing
  • Respond to customer requests raised through various channels including ticketing, Slack messages and emails in a timely manner in line with our SLAs
  • Engage with other lab managers and SysEngineers to resolve complex problems relating to framework stability
  • Engage with partner teams developing the frameworks utilized by the testing users in case of issues, and follow up with them to gain traction on such issues
  • Ensure the security of the servers in the lab is maintained, by applying timely patches and required security updates
  • Ensure the VPN network developed by myself is able to cope with the load created by the testing, and ensure sufficient capacity is available to cater for peak traffic using auto-scaling functionality
  • Ensure adequate stock levels are maintained as hot-swaps in case of hardware failures to minimise customer impact
  • Develop an optimised VPN solution to dynamically route requests to the requried endpoint depending on the configuration defined by the automation framework using L3 routing and pfSense OS with WireGuard VPN profiles
  • Assist the GDX (Global Device Experience) team with co-ordinating new device launches and testing before the official street date for all EMEA locales and marketplaces
  • Ensure good bookeeping in case of security audits by Amazon Prototype Security Team
  • Participate in team meetings with external stakeholders to provide accurate data points and anecdotes to backup points raised
  • Attend regular conferences and seminars internally for best testing practices for working with the technologies under test
  • Participate in LLM-related exploratory testing activities, and provision automation infrastructure to suit the needs of stakeholders for this.

May 2021-September 2023: Quality Assurance Engineer I at Amazon Devices - Alexa Division, LHR16 London Corporate Office, London, England

During the period May 2021 to September 2023, I worked for Amazon Alexa Devices Division as Quality Assurance Engineer I in the French In-country team. Duties and responsibilities included:

  • Retesting of issues identified through automation to ensure no false-positives were reported
  • Weekly statistics gathering on the team's testing efficiency
  • Leading VP-Level intiatives to reduce defect backlog at EMEA Level (90% of Critical and 85% of Blocker defects to be closed by December 2022): Achieved
  • Participate in internal benchmarking project to compare performance of Alexa against other Virtual Assistants available on the market and reporting on results to Senior Leadership in meetings
  • Develop an in-house VPN solution to allow for testing of geo-restricted content such as TV Streams and radio stations to be performed by testers outside of the region

May 2019-April 2021: Junior Quality Assurance Engineer at Oneview Healthcare Plc, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, IE

During the period May 2019 to April 2021, I was Junior QA Engineer, with extensive experience in testing Android and Windows-based solutions for the Healthcare Environment. Daily duties include:

  • Deploying application components to servers on Microsoft Azure Cloud and On-Premise.
  • Constructing test plans according to requirements set out by Product team
  • Running queries against API and/or database in SQL Server to debug potential issues
  • General maintenance and upgrades to server environments both On-premise and remote cloud environments
  • Assist Automation engineers in the provisioning of VMs on Cloud to enable testing, and ensure they are "torn down" after use to save money
  • Technologies used: Jira, TestRail, Python, C#, Java, Kotlin, SQL

I am currently also working on a "pet project" to create an Android AOSP Flavour that we will be able to install on comodity hardware. The code for this is stored locally and Version-Controlled. Nightly builds are run on the code through Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline. This will enable the company to become more independent of harware vendors and will allow us to reduce costs involved in provisioning new hospitals with new harware.

May 2018-September 2018: QA Intern at Oneview Healthcare Plc, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, IE

During the summmer of my 2nd year of college, I undertook an self-sought internship in Oneview Healthcare. As a QA Intern, my duties and responsibilities were:

  • Technologies used: Jira, TestRail, RobotFramework, Python, C#, Selenium, Postman API, Swagger UI, SQL Server
  • Ensuring the certification of new hardware going to hospitals
  • Testing out the monthly releases of the client application before go-live.
  • Testing internal release candidates
  • Supporting with on-site issues and troubleshooting
  • Applying security patches to internal servers
  • Running automated tests against the Clinical Dashboard with the help of Selenium, RobotFramework Automation Toolkit and Python.
  • API Testing with Postman and Swagger

May 2017-September 2017: Mobile Developer (Android) at Wyscout S.p.a., Chiavari (GE), IT

During the summer of my first year of college, I worked as Mobile development intern in Wyscout. Here, I was sided by a Senior Android developer to build and test the company’s android application to be released in the Google Play Store. Duties in this role included:

  • Testing daily builds of the app
  • Interacting with REST APIs from which the data was fed
  • Testing out Messaging feature of the app
  • Video playback optimisation
  • Sign and release APKs on the public Google Play Store
  • Analyse logs of crashes via HockeyApp logging framework and later on Google Crashlytics

Personal Projects

Prusa i3 (RepRap 3D Printer DIY)

  • Currently building a DIY 3D Printer with my friend Hannah Bryson.
  • Running the print firmware Marlin with RepRap Prusa i3 Printer parts.

Arduino Sensors (Arduino ProMini)

  • Working on a “Mobile sensor station” which will capture readings of Air Quality (PM10 and PM2.5), Temperature and Humidity, and more.
  • Powered via 6V motorcycle battery (charged by solar panel during the day)
  • Graph of Voltage variations over 14 days
    Graph of Voltage variations over Time (Day 0-14)
  • The above graph shows clearly that the system is able to function for at least 10 days without being under AC charge.
    • In the final product, a solar panel will be able to generate some additional power and, using a converter, we will be able to make it last longer (hopefully even a month)
  • Data transmitted to Raspberry Pi and sent back to Cloud for analysis and visualization.


2016-2020: University College Dublin

2018-2019: Erasmus Exchange: INSA Lyon - Departement Informatique (IF)

  • Modules: Algorithmic Design, C Programming, C++ Advanced Programming, Digital Systems, Networking, Mathematical Foundations of Algorithms, Matlab, Java EE Programming, FLE (Francais Langue Etrangere - French as a Foreign Language), Tandem Language Classes (Spanish-French-English), Enterprise Management and Functioning, Process Modelling, Data Modelling, Relational Databases Foundations,
  • Languages: French, Spanish
  • Held weekly English conversation classes and organized group study sessions before exams.

2011-2016: Dunshaughlin Community College

  • Leaving Certificate High Achiever (505/625)
  • Junior Certificate 2014 Excellence in Modern Languages Award Recipient
  • Subjects:
    • Higher Level Mathematics
    • Higher Level English
    • Higher Level Scientific Stream (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
    • Applied Mathematics
    • Higher Level International Stream (German, French, Italian languages)

Languages Spoken

EU Flags

  • English: Mothertongue
  • Italian: Mothertongue
  • French: Mothertongue
  • Spanish: Advanced Working Proficiency
  • German: Elementary Working Proficiency
  • Chinese: Just starting with Pinyin... give it some time

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